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We treat all age groups—pediatric, young adult, adult and elderly—for conditions that include:

Orthopedic Conditions

Neurological Conditions

Back stabilization, bursitis, contractures, contusions, DJD (Degenerative Joint Disease), fractures, injuries (including occupational or work-related), muscle spasms and tears, osteoporosis, physical limitations, post-surgery rehabilitation, soft-tissue injuries (sprain/strain), tendonitis, TMJ dysfunction (jaw pain), and more.


We specialize in the following orthopedic areas:


Back / Spine

Bulging disc, core strengthening, fusions, laminectomy, muscle spasms, pain, posture, sciatica, sprains/strains, etc.


Foot / Ankle

Achilles tendonitis, fracture, ligamentous instability, pain, plantar fasciitis, post-surgical, sprain, strain, etc.


Hand / Wrist

CTS (carpal tunnel syndrome), De Quervain’s (thumb) tendinosis, fractures, tendonitis, trigger finger, sprains, etc.



Arthritis, bursitis, DJD, iliotibial band syndrome, labral tear, ORIF (open reduction internal fixation), pain, sprain, strain, total hip replacement, etc.



ACL reconstruction, arthritis, chondromalacia, DJD, iliotibial band syndrome, knee replacement, meniscus, pain, patella femoral syndrome, sprains, strains, etc.


Neck / Cervical

Arthritis, bulging disc, decreased range of motion, degenerative conditions, fusions, pain, radiculopathy, etc.



Acromioplasty, bursitis, decreased strength and range of motion, frozen shoulder, impingement syndrome, labral tear, pain, reconstruction, rotator cuff repair and problems, shoulder replacement, sprain, strain, tendonitis, thoracic outlet syndrome,  etc.

Balance disorders, multiple sclerosis, neuromuscular dysfunction, Parkinson’s, peripheral neuropathy, spinal cord injury, stroke, traumatic brain injury, etc.

Autoimmune Disoders

Chronic pain associated with dermatomyositis, diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. 

Sports Medicine

Comprehensive and for all ages; owner himself is an athlete experienced in overcoming sports injuries.

"Knowing that I’ve helped a patient achieve his/her goals and feel better is very special to me.  I can’t think of a more rewarding field than the practice of physical therapy." – Marc D. Levine, RPT 
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